Online Therapy

It is true that today's society brings ease and security to all of us. But, despite being little mentioned, it also generates a series of conflicts and restrictions on individual wills. In addition, the constant demand for greater productivity and the increasingly intense competition has been causing more stress and anxiety.
Still, experience has shown that these issues constantly brought to the office are usually just the tip of the iceberg. What goes on in our minds is the result of deeper issues. The problem initially reported is rarely the real problem.
The experiences we live are not always pleasant. And the most painful and impactful ones mark us deeply and cause intense emotional records. To protect us from pain, the mind uses defense mechanisms making them unconscious. This does not solve the problem, as the physical or emotional symptoms, such as feelings of distress, sadness, or restlessness, remain. To resolve it, it is necessary to remember, release the emotional charge and resignify these situations.
When there is the internal disposition to confront our pain, we become aware of its roots and we can identify the traumas, the beliefs that have been mentally registered. only then can the door of change be open. To survive, life teaches us to look outside. But to really live what we want, we need to look inside.
This self-knowledge gives us the solid foundation for acting on our personal beliefs and higher goals. This is the work of mental reprogramming: just as we were conditioned in our childhood by society, genetics and ourselves, we can consciously choose other paths through mental hyperfocus, free association of ideas and other therapeutic techniques.
I believe that the techniques for carrying out this work are important. But above them is the individuality of each one. Every human being is unique; a universe to be known and loved. And the personalized approach, where the patient is part of the treatment, is essential for the rescue of autonomy and the best result. This can really change not only therapy, but our own life.
Understanding past situations and relearning to perceive beauty in life is the path to peace.
Releasing emotions related to events and people opens up space for our focus and creativity.
Life Plan
We were born to fulfill our true potential and materialize our dreams.

Cláudio Avellar
Emocional Coach
PNL Practitioner
Mindfulness Instructor